Our organization is made up of community members who invest their valuable time.
Download our fillable Membership form.
Membership is $10/person/year. We accept cash & check. You may also make payment online.
Membership – 7 Reasons to Join
- Create the village that helps to raise our kids and strengthen our community.
- Links families to important school and community information.
- Hosts fun, educational clubs, programs and events for our families.
- Offers kids the opportunity to explore the arts and develop critical thinking, teamwork and creativity.
- Encourages healthy lifestyles and food choices for every family.
- Tracks local, state and national policies every day so we can advocate for what’s best for our students, families and schools.
- Believes we can make every child’s potential a reality. But we need more believers. We need you. No time required. Show you believe join Today.